My birthday isn't until next week, but my mom contacted me in August and told me what my birthday present would be. She wanted her two girls and her three granddaughters to spend some time together. So, she bought plane tickets for my girls and I to fly to my sisters to spend a few days with her family. We had a wonderful time together and then spent 3 days with my mom and dad before flying home. My sister described the visit beautifully ... check it out ...
Thanks, Mom!!
I checked out your sister's blog. What a wonderfully thoughtful mom you have.
So glad that you got to have this time together.
I just read your sisters blog.
Wonderfully described.
I am glad you had the opportunity to spend time with your family.
Happy Birthday
This is great Vicki.. wish we were part of your family.. we've been smarting over lack of family visits.
Pray for Me.. and for Trent. Trent bought boots to go hunting.. and forgot them here. He's gone moose hunting and bear hunting for a week. he'll be back Sunday night. Pray for nice weather (though nice weather usually transmits into bad hunting..sigh) Pray for Trent's feet to be warm and dry.
That was a wonderful gift that your mom gave to you! I am glad that you enjoyed it! My sister lives in N.C. and I treasure anytime spent with her!
i was sooooo glad that you guys came! we will have to come visit me again . . . just don't wait so long next time!!!
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